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Creates a task and channel to measure or generate analog values.


void avl::DAQmx_CreateAnalogChannel
	DAQmx_CreateAnalogChannelState& ioState,
	atl::Optional<const atl::String&> inDeviceID,
	atl::Optional<const atl::String&> inChannel,
	avl::ElectricalMode::Type inCVType,
	avl::DirectionMode::Type inIOType,
	avl::DAQmxTerminalConfig::Type inTerminalConfig,
	float inMinValue,
	float inMaxValue,
	avl::DAQmxShuntResistorLoc::Type inShuntResistorLocation,
	atl::Optional<float> inExtShuntResistorValue,
	avl::DAQmxTaskID& outTaskID


Name Type Default Description
ioState DAQmx_CreateAnalogChannelState& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inDeviceID Optional<const String&> NIL Device alias, product name or serial number
inChannel Optional<const String&> NIL Name of the physical channel used to create a virtual channel
inCVType ElectricalMode::Type Electrical mode
inIOType DirectionMode::Type Direction of channel
inTerminalConfig DAQmxTerminalConfig::Type Input terminal configuration
inMinValue float Minimum value, that is expected to measure or generate
inMaxValue float 5.0f Maximum value, that is expected to measure or generate
inShuntResistorLocation DAQmxShuntResistorLoc::Type Location of the shunt resistor
inExtShuntResistorValue Optional<float> NIL Value of the shunt resistor
outTaskID DAQmxTaskID& ID of a created task


Device driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with digital I/O cards using its vendor driver software. To be able to connect to a card it is required to install NI-DAQmx driver software. Currently Adaptive Vision Studio requires NI-DAQmx version 9.5.

NI-DAQmx driver software can be downloaded from the following website:

Device identification

When there is only one device connected to computer, inDeviceID field can be set to Auto. In this situation first available device will be found and connected.

inDeviceID can be used to pick one of multiple devices connected to computer. Set this field to Device alias (for example "Dev1"), product name or serial number. This parameters should be available in Measurement & Automation Explorer.

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.

See Also