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Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' arc is vertical or horizontal.


void avl::PointAlongArc
	const avl::Point2D& inPoint,
	const avl::Arc2D& inAxis,
	avl::Axis::Type inAxisType,
	float inAxisCoordinate,
	bool inInverse,
	avl::Point2D& outPoint


Name Type Default Description
inPoint const Point2D& Input point
inAxis const Arc2D& Input axis arc
inAxisType Axis::Type Y Type of axis the input axis arc is parallel to
inAxisCoordinate float 0.0f Coordinate of the axis arc
inInverse bool True Switches to the inverse operation
outPoint Point2D& Transformed point


This operation transforms a point - inPoint - between two coordinate systems: the one linked with 'axis' arc inAxis and the original one. Direction of this conversion is based on inInverse value:

  • if it is true, inPoint is converted to original coordinate system
  • if it is false, inPoint is converted from original coordinate system

Coordinate system linked with inAxis is some transformation of the original one, satisfying these conditions:

  • 'axis' arc is represented as a straight line
  • 'axis' arc is horizontal if inAxisType is set to X or vertical if inAxisType is set to Y
  • if inAxisType is set to X, the Y coordinate of 'axis' arc is equal to inAxisCoordinate. If inAxisType is set to Y, the X coordinate of 'axis' arc is equal to inAxisCoordinate


  • If this filter is used to reverse ImageAlongArc transformation you should set inAxis and inAxisType to the same values as corresponding ones in ImageAlongArc. inAxisCoordinate should be set to a half of ImageAlongArc.inScanWidth.


ImageAlongArc performed on the sample image with inAxisType = X and inScanWidth = 50. Point marked with green cross on the output image was calculated by ScanSingleEdge. Original point (marked with blue cross) was calculated using PointAlongArc with inAxisType = X, inAxisCoordinate = 25, inInverse = true and position of detected point. ImageAlongArc and PointAlongArc used the same arc for transformations.