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VideoBoxPrimitive Class

Represents a single 2D geometry primitive displayed by the View2DBox control.



VideoBoxPrimitive(VideoBoxBase, Int32)


MaxArrayItemsSystem.Int32 Specifies the maximum amount of elements in the array primitives handled by the View2DBox control.


ColorSystem.Drawing.Color Gets or sets the color used to visualize this primitive.
LineWidthSystem.Single Gets or sets the with (in pixels) of the line used to draw this primitive visualization (when applicable).


Equals(object)Inherited from System.Object
GetArrayItemsCount() For array primitives gets the number of element in the array.
GetHashCode()Inherited from System.Object
GetType()Inherited from System.Object
ResetPrimitive() Resets this primitive to its default (empty) state.
SetArcArrayItem(int, float, float, float, float, float) Sets a single item in an arc primitives array.
SetArc(float, float, float, float, float) Sets an arc as this primitive
SetArrayItemColor(int, System.Drawing.Color) Sets the color of an item in array primitives.
SetArrayItemsCount(VideoBoxBase.VideoBoxPrimitiveType, int) Initializes this item to display an array primitive of specified type and with specified amount of elements.
SetBoxArrayItem(int, int, int, int, int) Sets a single item in a 2D box primitives array.
SetBox(int, int, int, int) Sets a 2D axis aligned box as this primitive.
SetCircleArrayItem(int, float, float, float) Sets a single item in a circle primitives array.
SetCircle(float, float, float) Sets a circle as this primitive
SetCoordinateSystemArrayItem(int, float, float, float, float) Sets a single item in a coordinate system transform primitives array.
SetCoordinateSystem(float, float, float, float) Sets coordinate system transform description as this primitive.
SetLineArrayItem(int, float, float, float) Sets a single item in a line primitives array.
SetLine(float, float, float) Sets a 2D line (described by a line equation) as this primitive.
SetPathArrayItem(int, System.Void*, int, bool) Sets a single item in a 2D path primitives array.
SetPath(System.IntPtr, int, bool) Sets a 2D path as this primitive.
SetPath(System.Void*, int, bool) Sets a 2D path as this primitive.
SetPointArrayItem(int, float, float) Sets a single item in a point primitives array.
SetPoint(float, float) Sets a single 2D point as this primitive.
SetRectangleArrayItem(int, float, float, float, float, float) Sets a single item in an oriented rectangle primitives array.
SetRectangle(float, float, float, float, float) Sets an oriented 2D rectangle as this primitive.
SetRegionArrayItem(int, int, int, System.Void*, int)
SetRegion(int, int, System.Void*, int)
SetSegmentArrayItem(int, float, float, float, float) Sets a single item in a segment primitives array.
SetSegment(float, float, float, float) Sets a 2D segment (based on two points) as this primitive.
SetShapeRegionArrayItem(int, float, float, float, float, float, VideoBoxBase.ShapeRegionType) Sets a single item in a shape region primitives array.
SetShapeRegion(float, float, float, float, float, VideoBoxBase.ShapeRegionType) Sets a shape region as this primitive.
SetStringLabelArrayItem(int, float, float, string) Sets a single item in a string label primitives array.
SetStringLabel(float, float, string) Sets a string label (text anchored at specified coordinates) as this primitive.
ToString()Inherited from System.Object


See also