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Surface Basics

ArrangePoint3DArrayCreates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.
ArrangePoint3DGridCreates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates.
ConvertCoordinateSystem2DTo3DConverts a coordinate system connected with the surface image to a coordinate system connected with the surface.
ConvertSurfaceTypeChanges the point Z coordinate type.
CreateFlatSurfaceCreates a uniform surface.
GetSurfaceElement_InterpolatedReturns an interpolated single point of a surface given its surface grid coordinates.
GetSurfacePathReturns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their surface grid coordinates.
ProjectPathOntoSurfaceReturns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their coordinates in surface coordinate system.
ProjectPointOntoSurfaceReturns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system.
SkipEmptySurfaceSecures against domain errors caused by empty surfaces, e.g. just before the FitPlaneToSurface filter is to be invoked.
SkipEmptySurfaceRegionSecures against domain errors caused by regions with no valid point, e.g. just before the SurfaceMassCenter filter is to be invoked.
TestSurfaceReturns a sample 3D surface.