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Shape Fitting 3D

CreateCircleFittingMap3DUsed together with circle fitting, but can be moved before the loop.
CreatePathFittingMap3DUsed together with path fitting, but can be moved before the loop.
CreateSegmentFittingMap3DUsed together with segment fitting, but can be moved before the loop.
CreateSurfaceMeasurementMap(Pre)computes surface sampling locations used by MeasureObjectWidth3D function.
FitCircleToEdges3DPrecise detection of a circular object or hole, whose rough location is known beforehand.
FitCircleToRidges3DPrecise detection of a circular object or hole, whose rough location is known beforehand.
FitCircleToStripe3DPrecise detection of a circular object or hole, whose rough location is known beforehand.
FitPathToEdges3DTracing of an object contour, whose rough location and shape is known beforehand.
FitPathToRidges3DTracing of a thin line, whose rough location is known beforehand.
FitPathToStripe3DTracing of a stripe, whose rough location and shape is known beforehand.
FitSegmentToEdges3DPrecise detection of a straight edge, whose rough location is known beforehand.
FitSegmentToRidges3DPrecise detection of a thin straight line, whose rough location is known beforehand.
FitSegmentToStripe3DPrecise detection of a straight edge, whose rough location is known beforehand.
MeasureObjectWidth3DEasy and precise measurement of distances between to straight parallel edges.