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Path Basics

AppendPointToPathAppends a point to a path.
ClosePathAdds the segment connecting last point to the first one to a path.
CreateArcPathCreates an open path containing cocircular, equidistant points.
CreateCirclePathCreates a closed path containing cocircular, equidistant points.
CreateEllipsePathCreates a closed path containing elliptical, equidistant points.
CreateRectanglePathCreates a closed path containing four vertices of rectangle.
CreateSegmentPathCreates an open path containing collinear, equidistant points.
GetPathCharacteristicPointReturns the selected characteristic point of a path.
GetPathCharacteristicPoint_InterpolatedReturns linear interpolation between two consecutive characteristic points of a path.
GetPathSegmentReturns the selected segment of a path.
GetPointOnPathReturns a path point of desired distance (measured along path) from the first point of the path.
OpenPathRemoves the segment connecting last point to the first one from a path.
SkipEmptyPathSecures against domain errors caused by empty paths, e.g. just before the PathBoundingBox filter is to be invoked.
SkipNotShapeIf the input path is closed and has no self-intersections, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned.
SubpathComputes an open path that consists of contiguous subsequence of another path points.