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Image Thresholding

SelectThresholdValueUsually used before a thresholding filter when the image brightness is variable. Use with care.
ThresholdImageImage binarization when the illumination is constant and uniform.
ThresholdImage_ColorColor analysis with a given reference color.
ThresholdImage_DynamicImage binarization when the illumination is uneven.
ThresholdImage_HSxColor analysis.
ThresholdImage_HysteresisThresholds an image with a hysteresis, i.e. with a lower threshold for neighboring pixels.
ThresholdImage_RelativeThresholds an image with a different threshold value for each pixel (inBaseImage(x, y) + inValue).
ThresholdImage_RGBMulti-channel thresholding.
ThresholdToRegionExtraction of a region of objects that can be defined by a salient brightness.
ThresholdToRegion_ColorColor analysis with a given reference color.
ThresholdToRegion_DynamicUseful in case of uneven illumination.
ThresholdToRegion_HSxExtraction of a region characterized with a specific color.
ThresholdToRegion_RelativeThresholds an image with a different threshold value for each pixel (inBaseImage(x, y) + inValue).
ThresholdToRegion_RGBMulti-channel thresholding.