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Image Color Spaces

BayerToRgbUse this filter only if the conversion functionality is not provided by the camera (check appropriate pixel types).
CmykToRgbCMYK color space is designed for printing - not recommended for machine vision.
HsiToRgbConverts color space from Hue-Saturation-Intensity into Red-Green-Blue.
HslToRgbConverts color space from Hue-Saturation-Luminance to Red-Green-Blue.
HsvToRgbConverts color space from Hue-Saturation-Value to Red-Green-Blue.
LabToRgbConverts color space from L*a*b* to Red-Green-Blue.
Rgb555ToRgb888Decompression of pixel depth from 2 to 3 bytes.
Rgb565ToRgb888Decompression of pixel depth from 2 to 3 bytes.
Rgb888ToRgb555Compression of pixel depth from 3 to 2 bytes.
Rgb888ToRgb565Compression of pixel depth from 3 to 2 bytes.
RgbToCmykCMYK color space is designed for printing - not recommended for machine vision.
RgbToHsiColor analysis is easier in the HSI color space than in RGB.
RgbToHslColor analysis is easier in the HSL color space than in RGB.
RgbToHsvColor analysis is easier in the HSV color space than in RGB.
RgbToLabConverts color space from Red-Green-Blue to L*a*b*.
RgbToXyzXYZ color space is designed for human perception - not recommended for machine vision.
RgbToYCoCgConverts color space from Red-Green-Blue into pseudointensitY-Orange-Green.
RgbToYuvConverts color space from Red-Green-Blue into YUV.
XyzToRgbXYZ color space is designed for human perception - not recommended for machine vision.
YCoCgToRgbConverts color space from pseudointensitY-Orange-Green into Red-Green-Blue.
Yuv442ToRgbConverts a YUV-encoded image into RGB color space.
YuvToRgbConverts color space from YUV into Red-Green-Blue.