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Histogram Basics

ConvertToCumulativeHistogramComputes the cumulative histogram of input histogram.
CreateHistogramCreates the histogram of the array of real numbers.
CreateUniformHistogramCreates an uniform histogram of desired parameters with common value of all bins.
GetHistogramBinReturns the value of a single histogram bin.
GetHistogramCorrespondingBinSelects a bin that the given value in the histogram domain falls into and returns the value of this bin.
HistogramIndicesReturns an array of histogram elements indices
MakeHistogramCreates a histogram assuming given bin values.
SetHistogramBinSets the value of a single histogram bin.
SetHistogramCorrespondingBinSelects a bin that the given value in the histogram domain falls into and sets the value of this bin.
SkipEmptyDataHistogramSecures against domain errors caused by histograms representing empty data sets, e.g. just before the HistogramDataAverage filter is to be invoked.
SkipEmptyHistogramSecures against domain errors caused by empty histograms, e.g. just before the HistogramAverage filter is to be invoked.