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2D Edge Detection

DetectEdgesConsistent detection of pixels that belong to contours of variable or unpredictable shape, e.g. screw thread outline or a custom piece of textile.
DetectEdges_AsPathsConsistent detection of contours of variable or unpredictable shape, e.g. screw thread outline or a custom piece of textile.
DetectEdges_AsPaths_MaskConsistent detection of contours of variable or unpredictable shape, e.g. screw thread outline or a custom piece of textile.
DetectEdges_AsRegionConsistent detection of pixels that belong to contours of variable or unpredictable shape, e.g. screw thread outline or a custom piece of textile.
DetectEdges_AsRegion_MaskConsistent detection of pixels that belong to contours of variable or unpredictable shape, e.g. screw thread outline or a custom piece of textile.
DetectRidges_AsPathsConsistent detection of thin structures like scratches, cracks or lines.
DetectRidges_AsRegionConsistent detection of thin structures like scratches, cracks or lines.