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Conditional Processing

Select Filter Equivalent below.

ChooseByCaseReturns one of the input objects depending on the specified case index.
ChooseByPredicateE.g. to choose GREEN color to visualize correct objects or RED to visualize defective ones.
ChooseByRangeE.g. to choose GREEN, YELLOW or RED color for visualization on the basis of three ranges of some value: OK, WARNING, NOK.
ClassifyByCaseSeparates the elements of the input array into several output arrays, depending on the associated array of case indices.
ClassifyByPredicateE.g. creating separate arrays of OK and NOK objects.
ClassifyByRangeE.g. selection of the objects (e.g. blobs) whose associated values (e.g. area) meet the specified minimum and maximum requirements.
ConditionalToOptionalMakes it possible to conditionally preprocess data that will be used on an optional input.
GroupByCaseGroups the elements of the input array into output arrays, depending on the associated array of case indices.
GroupByCase_SynchronizedGroups the elements of the input array into output arrays, depending on the associated array of case indices. Assumes that the range of case indices is continuous and starts at zero.
MakeConditionalIntroduces conditional data flow on a condition defined by the user. This filter can be used to skip some parts of the program - e.g. when a detected object does not fulfill some quality criteria.
MergeBranchesChooses the first non-Nil object, or reports an error if there is no such object.
MergeConditionalsReturns the first not-Nil input object.
MergeDefaultUsually used to create a definite result for the special cases represented by the Nil value.
MergeIntoArrayCreates an array from all the non-Nil input elements.
OptionalToConditionalMakes it possible to use conditional execution inside macrofilters with optional inputs.
SwapObjectsSwaps two objects depending on the specified condition.