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Read the QR Code (read_qr_code)


Devise an algorithm that reads QR codes from images.


A set of images with QR Codes captured under different lighting conditions.

Images are stored in the ''read_qr_code'' directory.


A position and a text read from a QR Code. The read text should be drawn on the input image.


This exercise shows the concept of performing one of the most typical vision problems. It can be solved using a predefined set of filters. In this case, only a single filter is used to determine the code position and to read data from it.

To get images from a directory, EnumerateImages filter should be used. To find the QR Code in an image, use a high-level ReadSingleQRCode filter. DrawStrings_SingleColor filter may be helpful to show the results.

Solution (AVS)

  1. Add EnumerateImages filter to obtain images from a directory. Enter image directory path to the inDirectory input.

  2. Add ReadSingleQRCode filter to the program. Connect outImage output of EnumerateImages filter to inImage input of ReadSingleQRCode filter.

  3. Add DrawStrings_SingleColor filter to the project and configure inputs: inLocations and inColor.

  4. Connect outQRCode.Text output of ReadSingleQRCode filter to inStrings input of DrawStrings_SingleColor filter.

  5. Add outImage of DrawStrings_SingleColor filter to a preview window.

Main macrofilter reads data from a QR code and writes result on an input image.