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Surface Basics

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AccessSurfaceReturns individual fields of a surface.
ArrangePoint3DArrayCreates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.
ArrangePoint3DGridCreates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates.
ConvertCoordinateSystem2DTo3DConverts a coordinate system connected with the surface image to a coordinate system connected with the surface.
ConvertSurfaceTypeChanges the point Z coordinate type.
CreateFlatSurfaceCreates a uniform surface.
GetSurfaceElementGets the value of a single point of a surface.
GetSurfacePathReturns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their surface grid coordinates.
GetSurfacePointReturns an interpolated single point of a surface given its surface grid coordinates.
MakeSurfaceFromImageCreating Surface structure out of depth map image obtained from a 3D depth camera or other external sources using 2D images to transfer depth map data.
ProjectPathOntoSurfaceReturns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their coordinates in surface coordinate system.
ProjectPointOntoSurfaceReturns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system.
SkipEmptySurfaceSecures against domain errors caused by empty surfaces, e.g. just before the FitPlaneToSurface filter is to be invoked.
TestSurfaceReturns a sample 3D surface.