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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Serial Port » SerialPort_ReadString


Reads string characters from serial port.

Name Type Range Description
inPortId Integer 0 - 7 Identifies open port instance when working with multiple serial ports
outString String? Conditionally returns string with concatenated all characters available in input buffer.


Filter reads all data from input and returns it as string. Result string will be read in UTF8 format.

Filter perform non-blocking reading form buffer and will return NIL when no data was read.


Using the SerialPort_Config filter is necessary before using the SerialPort_ReadString filter.

Filter SerialPort_Config does not guarantee that input buffer will be empty.


Using filters reading from serial port without previous configuration will cause "SerialPort not initialized" error.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of SerialPort_Read filter group.

See Also