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Starts image acquisition.

Name Type Range Description
inDeviceSerialNumber String* Source device serial number
inBufferCount Integer 1 - Number of image buffers
inPixelFormat SpinnakerPixelFormat* Image pixel format
inExposureAuto SpinnakerAutoSettings* Sets the automatic exposure mode
inExposureTime Double* Exposure time in microseconds
inFrameRateEnable Bool* If enabled, inFrameRate can be used to manually control the frame rate
inFrameRate Double* Frame rate in Hertz
inGainAuto SpinnakerAutoSettings* Sets the automatic gain mode
inGain Double* Controls the amplification of the video signal in dB


This filter is intended for establishing connection with a device using Spinnaker SDK, to initialize image streaming. It is only needed when explicit image acquisition start is required in the initial phase of a program. For example, it can be used to prepare a camera, running in triggered mode, to be able to capture trigger signals before the first invoke of Spinnaker_GrabImage or to start multiple cameras in sync before the acquisition phase.

The use of this filter is not obligatory. Spinnaker_GrabImage or Spinnaker_GrabImage_WithTimeout] filters will initialize and start image acquisition upon their first invoke. When this filter is used, the inPixelFormat parameter of subsequent Spinnaker_GrabImage and Spinnaker_GrabImage_WithTimeout filters has no effect.


Camera driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with camera using its vendor Spinnaker SDK. To be able to connect to camera it is required to install Spinnaker SDK software with camera dedicated drivers. Currently Adaptive Vision Studio uses Spinnaker version v1.10.0.31.

Spinnaker SDK can be downloaded from the following website: (registration may be required).

During installation you should select "Application Development". Visual Studio Version should be also changed to "Visual Studio 2015".

Camera identification

When there is only one camera connected to computer, inDeviceSerialNumber field can be set to Auto. In this situation first available camera will be found and connected.

inDeviceSerialNumber can be used to pick one of multiple cameras connected to computer. Set this field to device serial number (for example "1234567", should be available on device casing as "s/n: 1234567").

Camera parameters

Most of parameters exposed by camera filters are optional, setting them to 'Auto' leaves related parameters for default configuration by camera driver.

To change other and more advanced camera parameters use configuration tool "SpinView" available with Spinnaker SDK. Refer to SDK documentation to find information about parameters and how to save parameters into memory channels.

It is also possible to adjust more advanced parameters using Spinnaker_SetParameter filters. The parameters name should be obtained from SpinView application or from Spinnaker SDK.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also

  • Spinnaker_GrabImage_WithTimeout – Captures images from a PointGrey camera using Spinnaker interface; returns Nil if no frame comes in the specified time.