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Splits a path into parts that can be approximated as segments or arcs.

Name Type Range Description
inPath Path Path to be segmented
inSmoothingStdDev Real 0.0 - Standard deviation used for initial gaussian smoothing of the segmented path
inMaxDeviation Real 0.0 - Maximal distance between any point of a classified segment to the abstract shape
inSegmentationMode PathSegmentationMode Whether to use arcs for segmentation
inMaxArcRadius Real* 0.0 - Maximal radius of an arc fitted to segment
outStraight PathArray Parts classified as straight segments
outArciform PathArray Parts classified as arciform segments
outSegments Segment2DArray Segments corresponding to sections of path from outStraight
outArcs Arc2DArray Arcs corresponding to sections of path from outArciform


Usually used to recognize a particular structure of an object contour or to guide a CNC machine.


The operation segments the inPath into parts of preferably simple shape. Each of the resulting parts is classified as one of the following:

  • Straight section - in which case it is returned in outStraight output array
  • Arciform section - in which case it is returned in outArciform output array

The operation guarantees that the maximal distance from any of the resulting path section to the corresponding abstract shape (line segment or circular arc) is less than inMaxDeviation.


The resulting outStraight array (some of the paths in the picture have common ends but in fact each straight part is a separate path).

The resulting outArciform array.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Empty input path in SegmentPath

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also

  • JoinAdjacentPaths – Joins those paths of an array which endpoints lie near enough.