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Captures an image stream from a GigE Vision compliant camera.

Name Type Range Description
inAddress GevAddress GigE Vision Device identifying address (IP, MAC or Serial Number)
inPixelFormat GevPixelFormat Requested Pixel Format in GenICam pixel naming convention
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - 200 Number of incoming frames that can be buffered before the application is able to process them
outFrame Image Captured frame
outFrameID Long Frame block ID set by device
outTimestamp Long Frame capture timestamp set by device (when supported)


The most recommended filter for working with GigE Vision devices.


This filter is intended for establishing connection with GigE Vision® compliant, single stream video transmitter, and for streaming images out of it in continuous mode.

Device address (inAddress port) is a textual definition of either IP, MAC or serial number. Use Device Manager (click "..." button in filter properties) to select appropriate address of connected device. For information on address type meaning and selecting device address see Device manager section in user manual.

This filter will interpret the value of inAddress port only during the first iteration of its parent Task, when the connection to the device is established. During the next iterations the filter will use previously established connection and subsequent changes in the device address will be ignored.

Pixel format is a textual name of image pixel (color) format. Name of format must correspond to one of format names supported by device or error at program run will be raised. Use Device Manager (click "..." button in filter properties) to select format name from list of formats supported by device. For information on selecting pixel format see Device manager section in user manual.

Filter will internally stream images in selected device pixel format. This format will be than converted to most appropriate application Image format, in such way that no data will be lost.

outFrameID output returns a number identifying current frame in video sequence. This number is generated by device and incremented by one at the beginning of transmission of every frame block. The valid range of this id, for devices compliant with GigEVision version 1.2 or older, is 1...65535 (starting at 1 and incrementing sequentially up to 65535, then wrapping back to 1). This value can be used to control correctness of received image sequence and detection of lost frames. Please note that this method can be used only to detect frames that was transmitted by device but lost before application could process them. This method cannot be used when lost image was not transmitted by device (e.g. when device missed a trigger signal).

outTimestamp output returns a timestamp of current frame that was marked by the device at point of grabbing the image. Support of this parameter by the device is optional and for some devices this output can be not effective. Frequency of the timer used for this timestamp is device dependent. Refer to device documentation for details about timestamp timer. Usually a frequency of this timer can be retrieved using a GevTimestampTickFrequency parameter available in device parameters tree. Value of this output will wrap around in range from 0 to 231-1.

Waiting time for new, valid image frame is not limited. For explicitly limiting timeout value and handling timeout condition, use GigEVision_GrabImage_WithTimeout filter.

For general information about working with GigE Vision devices, please refer to the following article.


  • Interactively select a camera available in your network by defining the inAddress input.
  • Choose inPixelFormat from those supported by your camera.


Description of usage of this filter can be found in examples and tutorial: Blister Inspection (NET GmbH).


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
IoError Connection with device lost.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of GigEVision_GrabImage filter group.

See Also