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Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal.

Name Type Description
inPoint Point2D Input point
inAxis Path Input axis path
inAxisType Axis Type of axis the input axis path is parallel to
inAxisCoordinate Real Coordinate of the axis path
inInverse Bool Switches to the inverse operation
outPoint Point2D Transformed point


Usually used to revert an ImageAlongPath transformation.


This operation transforms a point - inPoint - between two coordinate systems: the one linked with 'axis' path inAxis and the original one. Direction of this conversion is based on inInverse value:

  • if it is true, inPoint is converted to original coordinate system
  • if it is false, inPoint is converted from original coordinate system

Coordinate system linked with inAxis is some transformation of the original one, satisfying these conditions:

  • 'axis' path is represented as a straight line
  • 'axis' path is horizontal if inAxisType is set to X or vertical if inAxisType is set to Y
  • if inAxisType is set to X, the Y coordinate of 'axis' path is equal to inAxisCoordinate. If inAxisType is set to Y, the X coordinate of 'axis' path is equal to inAxisCoordinate


  • If this filter is used to reverse ImageAlongPath transformation you should set inAxis and inAxisType to the same values as corresponding ones in ImageAlongPath. inAxisCoordinate should be set to a half of ImageAlongPath.inScanWidth.


ImageAlongPath performed on the sample image with inAxisType = X, inScanWidth = 50 and path marked with blue. Point marked with blue cross on the output image was calculated by ScanSingleEdge. Original point (marked with orange cross) was calculated using PointAlongPath with inAxisType = X, inAxisCoordinate = 25, inInverse = true and position of detected point. ImageAlongPath and PointAlongPath used the same path for transformations.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors here: Error Handling

Error type Description
DomainError Empty path on input in PointAlongPath.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also

  • ImageAlongPath – Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
  • PathAlongPath – Transforms a path to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal.
  • PointAlongArc – Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' arc is vertical or horizontal.