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Bottle Inspection

Macrofilter Main

Macrofilter DetectBottles

Macrofilter CheckTopOrientations

Macrofilter CheckLiquidLevel

Macrofilter CheckFoamAbsence

Used Filters

Icon Name Description
EnumerateImages Emulates image acquisition with images stored on disk.
CreateRectangle Creates a rectangle from an aligned point.
CreateRectangleRegion Creates a region corresponding to a given rectangle.
LocateSingleObject_Edges Detection of an object whose outlines are sharp and rigid. Often one of the first filters in a program.
ScanMultipleStripes Very fast detection of multiple pairs of opposite edges - usually for counting or width measurements.
CreateCoordinateSystemFromPoint Most often used to define an object alignment from results of 1D Edge Detection or Blob Analysis.
CheckPresence_Intensity Quick and easy presence verification, e.g. for missing caps, screws, labels.
ScanSingleEdge Very fast detection of an object (e.g. horizontal displacement of a bottle) and simple measurements (e.g. liquid level in a bottle).
AlignRectangle Required when there is a rectangle defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
SegmentCenter Computes the center point of a segment.