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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Creates a string from an integer number using a proper format.


void avl::FormatIntegerToString
	const int inInteger,
	const int inDigitCount,
	const atl::String& inTrailingCharacter,
	const bool inForceSignPrinting,
	const atl::String& inSuffix,
	const int inSystemBase,
	atl::String& outString


Name Type Range Default Description
inInteger const int Input integer
inDigitCount const int 0 - 100 How many characters the output string should have at least
inTrailingCharacter const String& \"0\" Defines the trailing character
inForceSignPrinting const bool False Forces printing the sign of the number even if the number is positive
inSuffix const String& \"\" Defines a suffix. Generally it is an unit of value (eg. mm)
inSystemBase const int 2 - 16 10 The base of the numeral system
outString String& Output string


inInteger = 200
inDigitCount = 4
inTrailingCharacter = "0"
inForceSignPrinting = False
inSuffix = ""
inSystemBase = 16
outString = "00C8"

In the above example the input value is 200. Formatting is configured for displaying 4-digit hexadecimal number by setting the inDigitCount input. The value of 200 expressed in hexadecimal numeral system is represented as 0xC8. The final result is filled in with zeros.

inInteger = 25
inDigitCount = 4
inTrailingCharacter = "-"
inForceSignPrinting = False
inSuffix = ""
inSystemBase = 10
outString = "--25"

The next example shows you how final representation of a number can be filled with arbitrary chosen sign. First two characters are dashes as defined in inTrailingCharacter.


Error type Description
DomainError inTrailingCharacter has to be a single character in FormatIntegerToString.

See Also

  • FormatString – Creates a string according to the given format and data.