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Resizes an image by a factor along each axis.


void avl::ResizeImage_Relative
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	float inHorizontalScale,
	float inVerticalScale,
	avl::ResizeMethod::Type inResizeMethod,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inImage const Image& Input image
inHorizontalScale float 0.0 - 65536.0 1.0f
inVerticalScale float 0.0 - 65536.0 1.0f
inResizeMethod ResizeMethod::Type
outImage Image& Output image


The operation stretches or shrinks the inImage so that its dimensions are scaled, accordingly, by the factor of inHorizontalScale, inVerticalScale. Two modes of pixel interpolation are available, the bilinear filtering being more precise and computationally expensive.


ResizeImage_Relative performed on the sample image with inHorizontalScale = 0.5, inVerticalScale = 0.25.

See Also

  • ResizeImage – Enlarges or shrinks an image to new dimensions.