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Loads a single image from a file stored in memory.


void avl::LoadImageFromBuffer
	const avl::ByteBuffer& inBuffer,
	int inOffset,
	atl::Optional<int> inLength,
	bool inLoadAlphaChannel,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Default Description
inBuffer const ByteBuffer& Source buffer containing image file data
inOffset int 0 Image data start position in source buffer
inLength Optional<int> NIL Image data length in source buffer
inLoadAlphaChannel bool Whether to load the alpha channel (if exists) as an additional image channel
outImage Image& Output image


This function loads an Image from a common format file similarly to LoadImage, but instead of accessing the file system it uses only the memory by loading the file content from ByteBuffer.

The operation loads an image from a file in one of the standard image file formats. Currently the filter supports the following formats:

  • BMP (*.bmp),
  • JPEG (*.jpg, *jpeg),
  • PNG (*.png),
  • TIFF (*.tif, *.tiff).

The format of the image file is recognized automatically based on the file header.

The resulting outImage will be three-channel image of UInt8 pixel type, or sometimes of UInt16 pixel type for 16-bit depth images of supported formats (PNG, TIFF).


Error type Description
IoError Reading beyond the end of the byte buffer.

See Also

  • LoadImage – Loads a single image from a file.