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Draws a string on an image.


void avl::DrawString
	avl::Image& ioImage,
	const atl::String& inString,
	const avl::Location& inLocation,
	atl::Optional<const avl::CoordinateSystem2D&> inLocationAlignment,
	const avl::Anchor2D::Type inLocationAnchor,
	const avl::Pixel& inColor,
	const avl::DrawingStyle& inDrawingStyle,
	float inSize,
	float inOrientationAngle,
	const atl::Optional<avl::Pixel>& inBackgroundColor


Name Type Default Description
ioImage Image&
inString const String&
inLocation const Location&
inLocationAlignment Optional<const CoordinateSystem2D&> NIL
inLocationAnchor const Anchor2D::Type MiddleCenter
inColor const Pixel&
inDrawingStyle const DrawingStyle&
inSize float 12.0f Height of a character
inOrientationAngle float 0.0f
inBackgroundColor const Optional<Pixel>& NIL


The operation draws a string on the ioImage aligning the inLocationAnchor location of the text at the inLocation of the ioImage. The height of the font is fixed and equals 16 pixels.

Usage of DrawString with various settings.

See Also

  • DrawLine – Draws a line on an image.
  • DrawPath – Draws a path on an image.