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This is Filter Equivalent. This function may be present in generated code, but should not be used in hand-written code.

Draws boxes on an image with multiple colors.


void avs::DrawBoxes_Palette
	const avl::Image& inImage,
	const atl::Conditional<atl::Array<atl::Conditional<avl::Box> > >& inBoxes,
	const atl::Optional<atl::Array<avl::Pixel> >& inColors,
	const float inOpacity,
	const bool inForceRgb,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Range Default Description
inImage const Image& Input image
inBoxes const Conditional<Array<Conditional<Box> > >& { }
inColors const Optional<Array<Pixel> >& NIL
inOpacity const float 0.0 - 1.0 1.0f
inForceRgb const bool True Filter will convert monochromatic image to RGB if needed
outImage Image& Output image


The operation draws an array of boxes on the inImage using common drawing parameters for all of them. Boxes may exceed the image dimensions - those will be drawn partially or not at all, but the filter execution will succeed. Note that drawing is conducted in a pixel-precise way as the Box type is pixel-precise.


  • Connect an image source to the inImage input. Drawing will be done on this image.
  • If you want to draw on an empty background, use EmptyImage function before.
  • Define inBoxes. This will be the primitives to be drawn.
  • Leave the inColors input not set to have all the primitives drawn with random colors. Set a custom array of colors here to decide explicitly how each of the primitives should be drawn.
  • Set inForceRgb to True, if you want to get a 3-channel output regardless of what is on the input.


Example usage of the DrawBoxes_Palette on an empty image.

See Also