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Computes the minimum of images of an array pixel by pixel.


void avl::MinimumImage_OfArray
	const atl::Array<avl::Image>& inImageArray,
	atl::Optional<const avl::Region&> inRoi,
	avl::Image& outImage


Name Type Default Description
inImageArray const Array<Image>&
inRoi Optional<const Region&> NIL Range of pixels to be processed
outImage Image& Output image


Array version of MinimumImage.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation is optimized for SSE2 technology for pixels of types: UINT8, SINT8, UINT16, SINT16, REAL.

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.


Error type Description
DomainError Image sizes are not equal in MinimumImage.
DomainError Image formats are not the same in MinimumImage.

See Also

  • MinimumImage – Creates an image from the lower pixel values of each corresponding pair.