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Segments an image into blobs using image edges as their borders.



public static void SegmentImage_Edges
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	int inFrameSize,
	float inStdDev,
	float inEdgeThreshold,
	float inEdgeHysteresis,
	float inMaxJoiningDistance,
	int inMinArea,
	bool inComputeNestingLevels,
	int inEdgeClosing,
	out AvlNet.Region[] outBlobs,
	out AvlNet.Region diagEdgeRegion


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageImage from which blobs are extracted.
inFrameSizeint<0, INF>1How many pixels from the region border are excluded from the results. Default value: 1.
inStdDevfloat<0.0f, INF>2.0fAmount of smoothing used by the edge filter. Default value: 2.0f.
inEdgeThresholdfloat<0.0f, INF>15.0fSufficient edge strength; edges of that strength will always be detected. Default value: 15.0f.
inEdgeHysteresisfloat<0.0f, INF>5.0fValue by which the edge threshold is decreased for edge points neighboring with sufficiently strong edges. Default value: 5.0f.
inMaxJoiningDistancefloat<0.0f, INF>0.0fMaximal distance between edges that can be joined. Default value: 0.0f.
inMinAreaint<0, INF>50Minimal area of a detected blob. Default value: 50.
inComputeNestingLevelsboolFlag indicating whether nesting levels should be computed.
inEdgeClosingint<0, INF>1Radius of enclosing small holes in the detected blobs. Default value: 1.
outBlobsAvlNet.Region[]Blobs extracted from the input image.
diagEdgeRegionAvlNet.RegionRegion of the found edges.


SegmentImage_Edges performed on an image of labels; default parameters.

See also