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Locates the strongest change of surface height along a given path.



public static void ScanSingleEdge3D
	AvlNet.Surface inSurface,
	AvlNet.ScanMap inScanMap,
	AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D inEdgeScanParams,
	AvlNet.Selection inEdgeSelection,
	AvlNet.LocalBlindness? inLocalBlindness,
	int? inMaxProfileGapWidth,
	out AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D? outEdge


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inScanMapAvlNet.ScanMapData precomputed with CreateSurfaceScanMap.
inEdgeScanParamsAvlNet.EdgeScanParams3DParameters controlling the surface edge extraction process.
inEdgeSelectionAvlNet.Selectionavl::Selection::BestSelection mode of the resulting edge. Default value: avl::Selection::Best.
inLocalBlindnessAvlNet.LocalBlindness?Defines conditions in which weaker edges can be detected in the vicinity of stronger edges. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inMaxProfileGapWidthint?<0, INF>1Maximal number of consecutive not existing profile points. Default value: 1, or null.
outEdgeAvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D?Found surface edge.


The operation scans the surface using inScanMap previously generated from a scan path and locates the strongest edge perpendicular to the path. If the strongest edge is weaker than inEdgeScanParams.minMagnitude then the outputs are set to NIL.

The operation is very similar to ScanSingleEdge from 1DEdgeDetection category, but there are some substantial differences. One of these is the possibility of absence of information, because some surface points may not exist at all. To detect such edges, where solely change of existence matters, Valid/Invalid options of inEdgeScanParams.EdgeTransition can be used. Outside the surface domain (i.e. rectangle defined by input surface width, height, offsets and scales) there are no valid or invalid points, so no edge can be found in the direct vicinity of the domain border.

Because in the Valid/Invalid mode all edges have equal strength, if inEdgeSelection is set to Best, it will be implicitly substituted with First selection option.

Please note that when the input surface has unequal scales along X and Y axes and the scan path is not parallel to any of the axes, the results may be slightly less accurate because of uneven sampling along axes.


For more information about local coordinate systems please refer to the following article.

See also