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Measures the width of an object using stripe detection.



public static void MeasureObjectWidth3D
	AvlNet.Surface inSurface,
	AvlNet.ScanMap[] inMeasurementMap,
	AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D inStripeScanParams,
	AvlNet.MeasureObjectMethod inMeasureMethod,
	AvlNet.Selection inStripeSelection,
	AvlNet.LocalBlindness? inLocalBlindness,
	int? inMaxProfileGapWidth,
	AvlNet.MEstimator? inOutlierSuppression,
	int inOutlierCount,
	out float? outObjectWidth,
	out AvlNet.Segment2D? outSegment1,
	out AvlNet.Segment2D? outSegment2,
	out AvlNet.Point3D[] diagPoints1,
	out AvlNet.Point3D[] diagPoints2


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inMeasurementMapAvlNet.ScanMap[]Input measurement map.
inStripeScanParamsAvlNet.StripeScanParams3DParameters controlling the object stripe extraction process.
inMeasureMethodAvlNet.MeasureObjectMethodMethod used to measure the object.
inStripeSelectionAvlNet.Selectionavl::Selection::BestSelection mode of edges of the object. Default value: avl::Selection::Best.
inLocalBlindnessAvlNet.LocalBlindness?Defines conditions in which weaker edges can be detected in the vicinity of stronger edges. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inMaxProfileGapWidthint?<0, INF>Maximal number of consecutive not existing profile points. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inOutlierSuppressionAvlNet.MEstimator?Selects a method for ignoring incorrectly detected points. Default value: atl::NIL, or null.
inOutlierCountint<0, INF>Determines how many outlying points are rejected before the width is measured.
outObjectWidthfloat?Width of the object.
outSegment1AvlNet.Segment2D?First edge of the object.
outSegment2AvlNet.Segment2D?Second edge of the object.
diagPoints1AvlNet.Point3D[]Detected edge points on the first side.
diagPoints2AvlNet.Point3D[]Detected edge points on the second side.


Error type Description
DomainError Invalid MeasurementMap in MeasureObjectWidth3D function. Use CreateSurfaceMeasurementMap function to create it properly.

See also