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Performs a series of 1D stripe detections and creates a path from the detected points.



public static void FitPathToStripe3D
	AvlNet.Surface inSurface,
	AvlNet.PathFittingMap inFittingMap,
	AvlNet.StripeScanParams3D inStripeScanParams,
	AvlNet.Selection inStripeSelection,
	float inMaxIncompleteness,
	out AvlNet.Point3D[] outPath,
	out AvlNet.Point3D[] outLeftPath,
	out AvlNet.Point3D[] outRightPath,
	out AvlNet.Profile[] diagHeightProfiles,
	out AvlNet.Profile[] diagResponseProfiles


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceSurface to fit the path to.
inFittingMapAvlNet.PathFittingMapInput fitting map.
inStripeScanParamsAvlNet.StripeScanParams3DParameters controlling the stripe extraction process.
inStripeSelectionAvlNet.Selectionavl::Selection::BestSelection mode of stripe. Default value: avl::Selection::Best.
inMaxIncompletenessfloat<0.0f, 0.999f>0.1fMaximal fraction of stripe points not found. Default value: 0.1f.
outPathAvlNet.Point3D[]Fitted path or nothing if the fitting failed.
outLeftPathAvlNet.Point3D[]Fitted left path.
outRightPathAvlNet.Point3D[]Fitted right path.
diagHeightProfilesAvlNet.Profile[]Extracted surface height profiles.
diagResponseProfilesAvlNet.Profile[]Profiles of the edge (derivative) operator response.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.

Hardware acceleration settings may be manipulated with Settings class.

See also