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Translates an array of bar widths to sequence of digits or text in accordance to the selected barcode standard.



public static void DecodeBarcode
	float[] inBarWidths,
	AvlNet.BarcodeFormat? inBarcodeFormat,
	out string outDecodedText,
	out AvlNet.BarcodeFormat? outBarcodeFormat


Name Type Range Default Description
inBarWidthsfloat[]Widths of the barcode bars (starting with width of the black bar).
inBarcodeFormatAvlNet.BarcodeFormat?EAN13Format of the barcode. Default value: EAN13, or null.
outDecodedTextstringDecoded barcode text or nothing if decoding failed.
outBarcodeFormatAvlNet.BarcodeFormat?Decoded barcode format or nothing if decoding failed.


This filter is especially useful when a barcode is not provided in a standard black and white printed form.

Use this filter to decode a barcode printed or engraved on circular or distorted surfaces. Also the filter can be used to decode a barcode when one of colors is transparent due to printing on glass or other transparent surface.

It can be useful in decoding damaged codes in which barcode position detection is very complex.

Use the ScanMultipleStripes filter to get the bar widths.


Minimal bar width requirement

To provide precise detection of the barcode width of the thinnest bar should be at least 1.5 pixels.

Depending on the barcode format guard or start/end code patterns must be readable.

Using a relative coordinate systems

For more information about local coordinate systems please refer to the following article.

See also