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Splits an array of regions according to the selected feature and range.



public static void ClassifyRegions
	AvlNet.Region[] inRegions,
	AvlNet.RegionFeature inFeature,
	out AvlNet.Region[] outAccepted,
	out AvlNet.Region[] outRejected,
	out AvlNet.Region[] outBelow,
	out AvlNet.Region[] outAbove,
	out float[] outValues


Name Type Range Default Description
inRegionsAvlNet.Region[]Input regions.
inFeatureAvlNet.RegionFeatureRegion feature value to be computed.
outAcceptedAvlNet.Region[]Regions with feature values matching the range
outRejectedAvlNet.Region[]Regions with feature values outside the range
outBelowAvlNet.Region[]Regions with feature values lower than inMinimum
outAboveAvlNet.Region[]Regions with feature values higher than inMaximum
outValuesfloat[]Computed feature values


The filter accepts an array of regions and splits it into output arrays, depending on how each of the computed feature values fits the (inMinimum, inMaximum) range.

  • Regions corresponding to feature values lower than inMinimum are passed onto outBelow and outRejected.
  • Regions corresponding to feature values that fit closed range (inMinimum, inMaximum) are passed onto outAccepted.
  • Regions corresponding to feature values higher than inMaximum are passed onto outAbove and outRejected.

In the special case of inMinimum being greater than inMaximum, first matching condition is applied, which means that objects corresponding to values higher than inMaximum and lower than inMinimum are passed onto outBelow.

To learn about possible features to classify regions, one should see RegionFeature documentation. To know details about particular feature, corresponding filter article should be read.


ClassifyRegions performed with Elongation selected as the region feature and inMaximum = 10. The blue regions are from outAccepted output, the orange ones from outRejected.

See also