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Verifies object presence by analysing the amount of edges in the specified region.



public static void CheckPresence_EdgeAmount
	AvlNet.Image inImage,
	AvlNet.ShapeRegion inRoi,
	AvlNet.GradientMaskOperator inEdgeOperator,
	AvlNet.MagnitudeMeasure inEdgeMeasure,
	int inEdgeScale,
	int inMinStrength,
	float inMinAmount,
	float inMaxAmount,
	out bool outIsPresent,
	out float outAmount,
	out AvlNet.Region outForeground,
	out AvlNet.ShapeRegion outAlignedRoi


Name Type Range Default Description
inImageAvlNet.ImageInput image.
inRoiAvlNet.ShapeRegionLocation at which object presence is being checked.
inEdgeOperatorAvlNet.GradientMaskOperatorSelected gradient operator.
inEdgeMeasureAvlNet.MagnitudeMeasureSumSelected method of gradient magnitude computation. Default value: Sum.
inEdgeScaleint<1, 16>1Scales the resulting gradient magnitudes. Default value: 1.
inMinStrengthint<0, 255>15Lowest acceptable edge magnitude. Default value: 15.
inMinAmountfloat<0.0f, 1.0f>0.2fLowest acceptable fraction of pixels meeting the criteria. Default value: 0.2f.
inMaxAmountfloat<0.0f, 1.0f>1.0fHighest acceptable fraction of pixels meeting the criteria. Default value: 1.0f.
outIsPresentboolFlag indicating whether the object is present or not.
outAmountfloatFraction of pixels from meeting the criteria
outForegroundAvlNet.RegionRegion of pixels meeting the criteria
outAlignedRoiAvlNet.ShapeRegionInput ROI after transformation (in the image coordinates)


The filter extracts foreground pixels and checks if their number comparing to the area of the whole ROI fits the range (inMinAmount, inMaxAmount). The pixel is considered a foreground pixel if and only if its gradient magnitude is at least inMinStrength.


CheckPresence_EdgeAmount performed on sample images with inMinAmount = 0.2. In the left image the object is present, while in the right image it is not. Green pixels are foreground pixels.

See also