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Surface Spatial Transforms

AbsoluteSurfaceTransforms Z coordinate of each surface point to its absolute value.
CloseSurfacePointsReconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points.
CropSurfaceRemoves from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximityRemoves from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points.
CropSurfaceByPlaneProximityRemoves from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropSurfaceToBox3DRemoves from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D.
CropSurfaceToRegionRemoves points that are not present in a given region.
DilateSurfacePointsReconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points.
ErodeSurfacePointsRemoves some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing.
FlattenSurfaceFlattens a curved surface.
JoinSurfacesCombines two surfaces into one.
OpenSurfacePointsRemoves some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing.
ProjectSurfaceOntoPlaneProjects a surface on another plane, replacing Z coordinate of a point with its distance from a given plane.
ReduceSurfaceReduces surface dimensions as much as possible.
RescaleSurfaceChanges the distances of surface points to a reference point.
TranslateSurfaceTranslates a surface by a vector.