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Image IO

EnumerateImages_RandomScans a disk directory for image files and then returns the images one by one in consecutive iterations sorted randomly.
GetAvailableVideoCompressorsList fourCCs names of available video compressors.
GrabImage_FromFiles_ResetStateResets global state of GrabImage_FromFiles filter
LoadImageLoads a single image from a file.
LoadImageFromBufferUse this filter when you received an image file through I/O communication, e.g. through a TcpIp connection.
OpenInputVideoStreamOpens and creates a video stream from a file.
OpenOutputVideoStreamCreates a video stream which will be saved to a selected file.
ReadVideoStreamAcquires frame from the previously opened video stream.
SaveImageSaves an image to a file.
SaveImageToBufferUse this filter if you want to send image file through I/O communication, e.g. through a TcpIp connection.
SaveImageToJpegSaves an image to a JPEG file.
SaveImageToPngSaves an image to a PNG file.
SaveImageToTiffSaves an image to a TIFF file.
WriteVideoStreamWrites an image to a previously opened video stream.