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Camera Calibration

AnnotateGridPointsRecognition of a custom regular grid, other than the standard chessboard, for the purpose of camera calibration.
CalibrateCameraRecognition of lens distortion. Usually followed by CreateUndistortionMap.
CalibrateCamera_TelecentricRecognition of lens distortion. Usually followed by CreateUndistortionMap.
CalibrateCameraFromImages_ChessboardReturns a spatial map with undistortion map.
CalibrateCameraFromImages_CustomCircleGridReturns a spatial map with undistortion map.
CalibrateCameraFromImages_CustomGridReturns a spatial map with undistortion map.
DetectChessboardGridPreparation of data required for creating image undistortion map.
EstimateRealScaleEstimate the scale for points in the Z=0 plane in a perpendicular view.
IsChessBoardPresentPreparation of data required for creating image undistortion map.
IsCircleGridPresentPreparation of data required for creating image undistortion map.
UndistortPointRemove lens distortion for a single point.