

Represents a rectangle and angle of its rotation.

struct Rectangle2D
	Point2D origin;
	float angle;
	float width;
	float height;

Structure fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

  • Point2D Origin - Defines the top-left corner of the rectangle
  • Real Angle - Rotation angle
  • float Width - Horizontal size
  • float Height - Vertical size
struct Rectangle2D
	Point2D	Origin;
	Real	Angle;
	float	Width;
	float	Height;

	Point2D Origin() const	{ return Origin;	};
	Real Angle() const		{ return Angle;		};
	float Width() const		{ return Width;		};
	float Height() const	{ return Height;	};

	bool operator == ( const avl::Rectangle2D& rhs ) const
		return Origin == rhs.Origin && 
			Angle == rhs.Angle && 
			Width == rhs.Width && 
			Height == rhs.Height;

	bool operator != ( const avl::Rectangle2D& rhs ) const
		return !(operator==(rhs));
