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Header: ThirdPartySdk.h
Namespace: avl

Gets the value of an int parameter.


void avl::Ensenso_GetParameter_Int_Deprecated
	Ensenso_State& ioState,
	const atl::Optional<atl::String> inDeviceID,
	const atl::String& inPath,
	const bool inGlobal,
	int& outValue


Name Type Default Description
Input will be modified ioState Ensenso_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
Input value inDeviceID const Optional<String> NIL Device identifying number.
Input value inPath const String& Configuration path, relative.
Input value inGlobal const bool False true: Path is relative to global configuration root; false: relative to camera configuration.
Output value outValue int&


Configuration tree
Configuration paths are relative to root or camera tree.

for example path Sensor/Temperature with inGlobal = false will give read only access to currently opened camera sensor temperature (double)

path Parameters/Capture/PixelClock with inGlobal = false will give access to camera pixel clock


Camera identification

When there is only one Ensenso camera connected, the field inDeviceID can be set to Auto. In this situation, the first available camera will be used.

inDeviceID can be used to pick one of multiple cameras connected to the computer. inDeviceID should be set to camera ID.

Camera driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with cameras using their vendor's SDK. In order to connect with the camera, it is required to install Ensenso SDK software, and uEye driver (same as in IDS camera filters)

Ensenso SDK and uEye driver can be downloaded from the following website:

Recommended Ensenso SDK version for Aurora Vision Studio usage is 3.5.1419 and uEye driver 4.96.1.

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.