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This article describes the most common problems that might appear when building and executing programs that use Adaptive Vision Library Lite.

Problems with Building

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _LoadImageA referenced in function
error C2039: 'LoadImageA' : is not a member of 'avl'

The problem is related to including the "windows.h" file. It defines a macro called LoadImage, which has the same name as one of the functions of Adaptive Vision Library Lite. Solution:

  • Don't include both "windows.h" and "AVL_Lite.h" in a single compilation unit (cpp file).
  • Use #undef LoadImage after including "windows.h".

error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

If you encounter this problem, just disable the incremental linking (properties of the project | Configuration Properties | Linker | General | Enable Incremental Linking, set to No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)). This is a known issue of VS2010 and more information can be found on the Internet. Installing VS2010 Service Pack 1 is an alternative solution.

Exceptions Thrown in Run Time

Exception from the avl namespace is thrown

Adaptive Vision Library Lite uses exceptions to report errors in the run-time. All the exceptions are defined in avl namespace and derive from avl::Error. To solve the problem, add a try/catch statement and catch all avl::Error exceptions (or only selected derived type). Every avl::Error object has the Message() method which should provide you more detailed information about the problem. Remember that a good programming practice is catching C++ exceptions by a const reference.

    // your code here
catch (const atl::Error& er)
    cout << er.Message();
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