

Aggregates image acquisition parameters for use with Vimba filters.

Structure fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

Name Type Description
AcquisitionFrameRate FloatType Controls the maximum acquisition rate (in Hertz) at which the frames are captured
BalanceRatio VimbaBalanceRatio Sets the gains of red and blue channels (the green channel gain is always 1).
BalanceWhiteAuto VimbaBalanceWhiteAuto Sets the automatic white balance mode.
BalanceWhiteAutoAdjustTol IntType Sets the tolerance allowed from the ideal white balance values, within which the auto white balance does not run
BalanceWhiteAutoRate IntType Sets the rate of white balance adjustments
BlackLevel FloatType Sets the black level (offset) value
ColorTransformationMode VimbaColorTransformationMode Selects the mode for color transformation
ColorTransformationMatrix VimbaColorTransformationMatrix Sets the values of the gain factors or offsets inside the transformation matrix
DefectMaskPixelEnable BoolType Enables or disables defective pixel masking
DSPSubregionBottom IntType Defines the bottom edge of the DSP subregion
DSPSubregionLeft IntType Defines the left edge of the DSP subregion
DSPSubregionRight IntType Defines the right edge of the DSP subregion
DSPSubregionTop IntType Defines the top edge of the DSP subregion
EdgeFilter VimbaEdgeFilter Sets the image sharpness or blur
ExposureAuto VimbaExposureAuto Sets the automatic exposure mode when ExposureMode is Timed
ExposureAutoAdjustTol IntType Sets the tolerance in variation from ExposureAutoTarget in which the auto exposure algorithm does not respond
ExposureAutoAlg VimbaExposureAutoAlg Sets the algorithm used to calculate auto exposure
ExposureAutoMax IntType Sets the upper bound to the exposure setting in auto exposure mode
ExposureAutoMin IntType Sets the lower bound to the exposure setting in auto exposure mode
ExposureAutoOutliers IntType Sets the total pixels from top of the distribution that are ignored by the auto exposure algorithm
ExposureAutoRate IntType Sets the rate at which the auto exposure function changes the exposure setting
ExposureAutoTarget IntType Sets the general lightness or darkness of the auto exposure feature
ExposureMode VimbaExposureMode Sets the operation mode of the Exposure
ExposureTime FloatType Sets the Exposure time (in microseconds) when ExposureMode is Timed
ExposureTimeIncrement FloatType Sets the increment or resolution of the exposure time in microseconds
ExposureTimePWL1 FloatType Sets the exposure time after ThresholdPWL1 is reached (valid only if ExposureMode = PieceWiseLinearHDR)
ExposureTimePWL2 FloatType Sets the exposure time after ThresholdPWL2 is reached (valid only if ExposureMode = PieceWiseLinearHDR)
FpncEnable BoolType Enables or disables fixed pattern noise correction
GainAuto VimbaGainAuto Sets the automatic gain mode
GainAutoAdjustTol IntType Sets the tolerance in variation from GainAutoTarget in which the auto exposure algorithm does not respond
GainAutoMax FloatType Sets the upper bound to the gain setting in auto gain mode
GainAutoMin FloatType Sets the lower bound to the gain setting in auto gain mode
GainAutoOutliers IntType Sets the total pixels from top of the distribution that are ignored by the auto gain algorithm
GainAutoRate IntType Sets the rate at which the auto gain function changes
GainAutoTarget IntType Sets the general lightness or darkness of the auto gain feature
GainValue FloatType Sets the gain (in decibels)
Gamma FloatType Controls the gamma correction of pixel intensity
Hue FloatType Alters the color of an image without altering white balance
Saturation FloatType Alters color intensity
ThresholdPWL1 FloatType Sets the first and highest threshold level (valid only if ExposureMode = PieceWiseLinearHDR)
ThresholdPWL2 FloatType Sets the second and lowest threshold level (valid only if ExposureMode = PieceWiseLinearHDR)
TriggerActivation VimbaTriggerActivation Specifies the activation mode of the trigger
TriggerDelay FloatType Specifies the delay in microseconds (us) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it
TriggerEnabled BoolType Controls if the selected trigger is active
TriggerOverlap VimbaTriggerOverlap Sets the permitted window of trigger activation, relative to the previous frame
TriggerSelector VimbaTriggerSelector Specifies the internal signal or physical input Line to use as the trigger source
TriggerSource VimbaTriggerSource Determines how an image frame is initiated within an acquisition stream