

Aggregates image acquisition parameters for use with Vimba filters.

Structure fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

  • float AcquisitionFrameRate - Controls the maximum acquisition rate (in Hertz) at which the frames are captured
  • VimbaExposureAuto ExposureAuto - Sets the automatic exposure mode when ExposureMode is Timed
  • VimbaExposureMode ExposureMode - Sets the operation mode of the Exposure
  • float ExposureTime - Sets the Exposure time (in microseconds) when ExposureMode is Timed
  • VimbaTriggerActivation TriggerActivation - Specifies the activation mode of the trigger
  • float TriggerDelay - Specifies the delay in microseconds (us) to apply after the trigger reception before activating it
  • bool TriggerEnabled - Controls if the selected trigger is active
  • VimbaTriggerSelector TriggerSelector - Specifies the internal signal or physical input Line to use as the trigger source
struct VimbaAcquisitionControlParams
	float					AcquisitionFrameRate;
	VimbaExposureAuto		ExposureAuto;
	VimbaExposureMode		ExposureMode;
	float					ExposureTime;
	VimbaTriggerActivation	TriggerActivation;
	float					TriggerDelay;
	bool					TriggerEnabled;
	VimbaTriggerSelector	TriggerSelector;

	float AcquisitionFrameRate( void ) const				{ return AcquisitionFrameRate;	};
	VimbaExposureAuto ExposureAuto( void ) const			{ return ExposureAuto;			};
	VimbaExposureMode ExposureMode( void ) const			{ return ExposureMode;			};
	float ExposureTime( void ) const						{ return ExposureTime;			};
	VimbaTriggerActivation TriggerActivation( void ) const	{ return TriggerActivation;		};
	float TriggerDelay( void ) const						{ return TriggerDelay;			};
	bool TriggerEnabled( void ) const						{ return TriggerEnabled;		};
	VimbaTriggerSelector TriggerSelector( void ) const		{ return TriggerSelector;		};

	bool operator == ( const avs::VimbaAcquisitionControlParams& rhs ) const
		return AcquisitionFrameRate == rhs.AcquisitionFrameRate && 
			ExposureAuto == rhs.ExposureAuto && 
			ExposureMode == rhs.ExposureMode && 
			ExposureTime == rhs.ExposureTime && 
			TriggerActivation == rhs.TriggerActivation && 
			TriggerDelay == rhs.TriggerDelay && 
			TriggerEnabled == rhs.TriggerEnabled && 
			TriggerSelector == rhs.TriggerSelector;

	bool operator != ( const avs::VimbaAcquisitionControlParams& rhs ) const
		return !(operator==(rhs));
