

The CharacterSample object is a pair made of the Region which is a graphical representation of character and the String containing the textual description of a stored character.

Structure fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

  • String Character - Single character which describes the sample region
  • Region Sample - Graphical representation of a single character
struct CharacterSample
	String	Character;
	Region	Sample;

	String Character( void ) const	{ return Character;	};
	Region Sample( void ) const		{ return Sample;	};

	bool operator == ( const avl::CharacterSample& rhs ) const
		return Character == rhs.Character && 
			Sample == rhs.Sample;

	bool operator != ( const avl::CharacterSample& rhs ) const
		return !(operator==(rhs));


See also

TrainOcr_MLP, TrainOcr_SVM