

Decides about relative position of object in 3D. Exact behaviour depends on filter being used.

Structure fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

  • Anchor1D AnchorX = Middle - Relative X coordinate of position
  • Anchor1D AnchorY = Middle - Relative Y coordinate of position
  • Anchor1D AnchorZ = Middle - Relative Z coordinate of position
struct Anchor3D
	Anchor1D	AnchorX;
	Anchor1D	AnchorY;
	Anchor1D	AnchorZ;

	explicit Anchor3D
		 Anchor1D AnchorX_ = Middle,
		 Anchor1D AnchorY_ = Middle,
		 Anchor1D AnchorZ_ = Middle 
	) :

	Anchor1D AnchorX( void ) const	{ return AnchorX;	};
	Anchor1D AnchorY( void ) const	{ return AnchorY;	};
	Anchor1D AnchorZ( void ) const	{ return AnchorZ;	};

	bool operator == ( const avl::Anchor3D& rhs ) const
		return AnchorX == rhs.AnchorX && 
			AnchorY == rhs.AnchorY && 
			AnchorZ == rhs.AnchorZ;

	bool operator != ( const avl::Anchor3D& rhs ) const
		return !(operator==(rhs));
