

Represents a directed line segment described by its start- and end-point.

struct Segment3D
	Point3D point1;
	Point3D point2;

	Point3D Point1( void ) const;
	Point3D Point2( void ) const;
	atl::real X1( void ) const;
	atl::real Y1( void ) const;
	atl::real Z1( void ) const;
	atl::real X2( void ) const;
	atl::real Y2( void ) const;
	atl::real Z2( void ) const;

	bool operator == ( const Segment3D& rhs ) const;
	bool operator != ( const Segment3D& rhs ) const;

	atl::real Length() const;

Structure Fields

Type fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

Name Type Description
Point1 Point3D
Point2 Point3D