

Electrical style of I/O lines used as outputs

Values of this enumeration:

  • TTL - The output line issues a TTL compliant signal
  • ITTL - The output line issues an isolated TTL compliant signal actively tied to the high or low state
  • IOC - The output line is an isolated TTL compliant signal actively tied to the low state and passively tied to the high state through a 3000 Ω pull-up resistor
  • IOE - The output line is an isolated TTL compliant signal actively tied to the high state and passively tied to the low state through a 2000 Ω pull-down resistor
  • RELAY - Parameter is not documented in Multicam documentation
  • LED - Parameter is not documented in Multicam documentation
  • OC - The output line issues a TTL compliant signal actively tied to the low state and passively tied to the high state
  • LVDS - The output line is differential LVDS, RS-422 or RS-485 compatible
  • DIFF - Parameter is not documented in Multicam documentation
  • OPTO - The output line is an isolated photo transistor output
  • SSRLY - The output line behaves as a solid-state relay