

This structure is used to represent two-dimensional arc in the Cartesian system.

struct Arc2D
	Point2D center;
	real radius;
	real startAngle;
	real sweepAngle;

	Arc2D(real x, real y, real radius, real startAngle, real sweepAngle);
	Arc2D(const Point2D center, real radius, real startAngle, real sweepAngle);

	Point2D Center() const;				
	atl::real Radius( void ) const;		
	atl::real StartAngle( void ) const;	
	atl::real SweepAngle( void ) const;	
	atl::real X( void ) const;			
	atl::real Y( void ) const;			
	Circle2D GetCircle() const;			

	bool operator == ( const Arc2D& rhs ) const;
	bool operator != ( const Arc2D& rhs ) const;

Structure Fields

Type fields and default values (if defined) are described below:

Name Type Description
Center Point2D
Radius real
StartAngle Real
SweepAngle Real

See also